Saturday, March 31, 2007

Somethings got to give!

My brother moved out today. OK well not exactly moved out, most of his stuff is still here but he's out of the house indefinitely. Being a child of this family as well, I understand all pains and stress being a "Sanchez". When I was my brothers age I always stressed out to the point that I ulcers. ULCERS!! I was in high school, what could I possibly be so worked up about? But of course, we think that our world is going to change if we don't get to go to a party or something so lame like that when we're a teenager.

Anyway, I think the whole situation with my brother is very melodramatic and played out. I would go into detail but just for sake of my folks I'll just keep it hush. Pretty much, my brother is fed up with my dad and he left to go stay with his friend and at his grandma's apartment. Fine. I can sit back and relax cause there is no more tension in the house. WRONG! Now I'm going to be the one their going to unleash the beast to. I'm going to get the rough end the stick now. OK so I know I'm 26 and what can they tell me? You obviously haven't lived in this house, I'll probably be married with 3 kids and still have my parents breathing down my neck and telling me how I messed up. If it were up to my parents they would keep me in my cage (room) and never let me come out, at least I'd know I would have a place to stay.

I've dealt with the very over-protective tendencies that my parents use, and at 26 it can be a bit, oh who am i kidding... VERY RIDICULOUS!!! Seriously, If I want to go out It's an entire process. I put on barely any makeup so I won't look like I'm trying to get attention, that's for my dad. I try and wear the most casual outfit so I don't look like a Jezebel of the night, that's for my mom. I wear good bra and undies, that's for me. I open my door, walk down the hall and by this time they hear my shoes and know I'm leaving so i get the 200, not 20 question about where I'm going, what I'm going to be doing and lastly I get the "You better not be drinking.." lecture and "Don't come home late.." Oh God, I just want to be able to walk out of my house for once without all that. This is why I don't go out as much as I used to since I've moved back home.

Can I just say that I'm stressed out. Like how I was in high school, stressed out. I have my brother telling me how he's upset with my folks, I have my mom telling me how she's upset with my dad and my brother and I have my dad telling me how he's upset with my mom and brother. So who wants to listen to me?!?!

Welcome to my blog.

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