Friday, March 30, 2007

to tea, or not to tea that is the question.

Last Tuesday (March 20) I went to the doctor and was put on this diet that only allows me to eat 1200 calories a day. So I'm not allowed to eat anything, well that's good. Which brings me to my favorite drink, nice good old fashioned Southern Sweet Tea with Lemon. Yum yum! Now i don't know how the Southern part makes a difference, but just for story sake stay with me. So on a usual day I could drink about 5-6 glasses of sweet tea in a day. Sometimes it would a whole lot more, and some times a least 2, but my point being is that I would consume an ungodly amount of sugar drinking all this tea. Imagine how much sugar is in one glass full, then 5 a day, imagine a week... month. Get it?

So now I sit here drinking UNSWEET tea. I started this actually a while ago, not added sweetner if it was sweetened already and I was doing good. But when I got home I new there was a full pitcher of it just screaming my name. Well it's been an offical week and half since the sweetness has touch my lips and oddly enough I'm doing alright. So I'm getting used the unsweetned tea, honestly.. it's just water with a little aftertaste. And not like that mineral like aftertaste, a brewed fresh taste that's so familar to me. OK I'm sounding like a weirdo now, but now you know how big a role Iced Tea plays in my life.

Fave Tea - Bill Millers, McAllisters lots of lemon in both!
Not so Fave Tea - Chinese Resturants where they refill it like 20 times in one sitting.

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